
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Vacation in Dubai

The title of my post might appear very far from education but even while having fun and resting, I learnt usefull things that I would like to share with every one. My journey to Dubai showed me the importance of using L2 in real life communication. In this country, people from diverse backgrounds live together so they use English language as a common global one. This makes it a necessity for everyone to learn the language in order to communicate with others. Using the language for such a purpose really helps people learn it easily and acquire a lot of new words. What we can take from this as teachers is that students need to be guided in order to set their purposes behind learning the language. By doing so, they'll be strongly motivated to exert the needed effort to reach their goals and this will make them feel that learning English is meaningful and useful to them. That's why teachers can create authentic situations for studnets to use the language at in order to make them se

Volunteer Work

One of the greatest things which I have done in my life is participating in several volunteer works which gave me a pleasurable experience and made me feel more attached to my society. I'm very thankful to my instructors who gave me the opportunity to develop my social skills and benefit my community. This appreciated work that I have done helped me realize the importance of working on developing students' social skills same as the academic ones. That's why I always set social objectives in addition to the academic ones to make pupils develop their personalities along with developing their minds and learning. This doesn't mean that we have to forget teaching lessons and focus on developing students' social skills. Indeed, it means that we should consider the radical role of teaching students how to communicate with each other in real life and to give that some attention in our classrooms. This must also begin from early ages and enabling pupils to master around five

My life as a teacher

Being a teacher makes you view education from another perspective; it makes you relive every moment of your educational journey but with a different point of view and attitude. As a novice teacher, I'm experiencing how different the life of a teacher is than that of a student and this is what makes me now understand how important the roles of our instructors are. This job requires a lot of patience and hard effort and what a teacher must mainly have is the passion to teach. That's why, individuals must never decide to become teachers unless they have this passion and patience because students have the right to be taught by inspiring and enthusiastic teachers. What made me say this is what I have seen in my school where I found some teachers who complain everyday because they hate teaching. In my opinion, this is one of the worst crimes that could ever happen because choosing to teach just to take money doesn't serve the goals of learning and teaching. Because of that, we mu